Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yoga log

10.45 - 11.45 am

Yoga with J & J. Both have not had regular practice although they have done it before. They did not have any problems with their postures, except one did not get into Adho mukha svanasana properly until I told her to push her chest towards the thighs, which seems to be a clearer instruction than pusing the chest towards the floor.

I did not give left and right instructions properly, especially when I was facing them and did not mirror thme. So just a reminder to myself get used to it!!! I should also do some breathing exercises as they arrive to calm everyone down, instead of rushing through it, as a result even the warm up sequence broke a sweat!

Sequence was according to suggested practice except I did not do the Salamba sarvangasana because I did not think they were ready and anyway I could not do it.

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