Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yoga Log

Sat: Teaching: with J&J again.

We did sun saultation X 4, each time with a Virabadrasana 1, 2, triangle. ujayyi

Did not do padottanasana, eka pada rajakapotanasana

Sun: own practice; dolphine, headstand, crow, yoga nidra

530-630 class


teaching 5-7

nadi shodana
yoga nidra

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yoga log

80 min teaching P 630pm to 850pm

We did the whole practice teaching sequence. P cant do Adho Mukha Virasana he says his knee hurts but he is more comfortable with balasana.

His adho mukha svanasana is also a lot better with his spine no longer humped.

While I still cant get him to straighten his back, I think he is trying, he doesnt feel his back working but the upper thigh. So I wonder if his bad posture is due to weakness in the core rather than being unable to straighten the thoracic muscles.

By the end P says that his back feels a lot of relief. I'm so happy to hear that.

Its great to know that people benefit from a session. I didnt actually know why I did the course other than because I have a lot of spare time it has startd to reveal itself to me now.

Its rewarding to know how muuch better they feel.

I do believe yoga has done so much for me. and I hope it will do so for others to and I guess thats what I should aim for.

The poise and confidence, being able to stand tall, relief from dull aches, the ability to breath in full because of the improvement in posture, and subsequently vitality gained from all the oxygen.

I'm happy to shre it with those I care about.