Friday, July 27, 2007


I have ambitiously signed up for two 10km runs. And .. a half marathon. ahaw ahaw.

I still have the same pains in the legs, but much more. This is my 3rd week of doing treadmill 3 times weekly. Most of the time 5 km without stopping, at a faster pace than I used to. 33 min. Not because I want to but because the pains on the lower leg tend to go away at a faster pace. Today I learnt there is an optimum speed. I went too fast and it was too uncomfortable. Or more likely I was tired and just could not sustain the speed. heh.

Nah, I think its the pain. I could here my left foot stomping while the right foot went ahead lightly.

Anyway, it was a good opportunity to do interval training, at least that's the way I'd make it out to be.

I used to think going slow and steady all the way would let me finish the race faster. But when I increased my pace (not out of choice) I found I could stop, walk, take a drink, then continue, feeling rather energised and I would still beat the slow and steady pace.

I think I should work on getting used to the burning feeling of a faster pace. Rather uncomfortable but I tell you it burns! I am 1 kg lighter and I know its not lucky freak day because its been 1 week now.

Of course, it also includes watching my diet. And possibly the result of several days of fasting in between. (Pay back, what, not some diet) I do not let myself go hungry but when I eat I try to take in good nutrition.

Like banana and strawberry milkshake. Why must a runner consider this sinful? Its packed with potassium, though I dont know for what, heh.

I have also been taking glucosamine and multivitamins for ladies. I think the glucosamine is helping my knees.

This weekend I am running outdoors. A first I tell you.With my hairdresser, who also signed up for the Shape Run.