Monday, November 24, 2008

Swimming lessson 2

50.9 kg, 17.7%, 65.9% water

The coach wasnt well so someone else took over. This coach is actually better because I did feel I was learning so much. I do feel like I am breezing through the freestyle now. It seems as if I was doing it as fast as the guy in the next lane. The only difference was that he was doing it non stop. I also learnt the flip today although I am still not very good. She said by back stroke was good too although I havent done it in months.

I guess I am putting in a lot of effort, I can hear my heart pounding after each lap. The kind I can only hear after a short sprint.

I decided this week is swim week and I shall perhaps do just 1 long slow run one of these days.

Yesterday I went to do a leg massage. The masseuse was Japanese, and she told me something I hadnt heard before. That my pelvic bone is not aligned and this is causing mt lower leg tightness. She pressed the side of my thigh, probably along the ITB, which felt really sore.

She said my liver is stressed and I'm not drinking enough. Like everyone who did my legs, she told me to cut back on the running. Huh, I wasnt going to do so much anyway. This week is swim and cycle.

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