Thursday, June 26, 2008

Freestyle attempt #3

My ear is logged with water again. I used swim paddles today. I think I am swimming fast but how do I prevent myself from getting breathless? I still dont feel comfortable turning on the side to breathe. Ends up being short, sharp and panicky. I try doing 4 strokes before breathing because I want to perfect the strokes first but this means I turn blue by the forth stroke and then gasp for air like I've been strangled. I did try breathing after 2 strokes but I find it quite tiring.

So after a few bouts of short length worth 12 strokes each, at least that's what my oxygen deprived brain thinks, my heart was beating very hard. I havent heard this kind of hard beating in a while, last time was during my feeble attempts at intervals when I felt dizzy half the time.

I shant lose hope yet.

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