Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The girlfriend guide to riding in the rain

Sydney's rain is a smattering compared to what we get in Singapore. While one can go "bah!" at it as a cyclist, it is not fun at all. Today half my ride home was under drizzle.

Wear the right gear

I wasn't too miserable nor cold. I like wearing a scarf under my helmet because it keeps the head warm. I've been using one of those stretchy hippy cotton headbands. They say to get the most expensive waterproof thing you can afford if you intend to commute. I had a shell which managed to keep me from getting drenched but only because it only drizzled. I also wear more than the average person because I hate being cold. I'd rather be hot than cold. A singlet, thermal and a shell. I was also wearing jeans which I think will be awful had it rained heavily. Jeans is just convenient and actually protects you when you fall.

Be seen

On a dark cloudy day riding at sunset I was wearing a grey outer shell. No good. I usually have a luminous water resistant jacket in my bag and gloves. But not today. I think I thought my lumi snap bands were good enough. No. Not when its overcast and late. Also I was too lazy to take my lights out till later which is a poor excuse for stupidity.

I thought the snap bands on my wrist will help drivers see my arm direction when I turn right on a roundabout if I have me Ayup lights on (very bright). They never seem to stop for me. Not even today with my snap bands. So if anything take your time at roundabouts; slow enough to make sure the car has stopped for you.

Go slow

I went slower. Not just because I was afraid of slipping in the wet. Falling off the bike the same afternoon at lunch and having a recent puncture didnt help. I took 15 min longer. I got off the bike whenever there is a sharp corner. I dont care if it looks silly in front of drivers at traffic lights. Being safe is better than being actually silly.

I also held on to my brakes a bit more downhill. And I avoided white lines like plague. There are numerous bicycle markings on the roads and I have always wondered if cyclists have ever slid off them.

When the ground is wet you also get dirty especially if you dont have mud guards. I also have to remember to stop smiling/grimacing with my mouth open because water splashes at the face from the tyres. So besides my dirty jeans and jacket I also have to wash my back pack.

All throughout my journey I felt uncomfortable because of the wet ground. It is not a good feeling to have and i remember distinctly telling myself next time its wet like this I will take the train home. And I will hold on the car still.

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