Saturday, October 18, 2008

Today's power yoga

We, my legs and I are back in SG. And now about to go to bed ready for the REAL RUN.

I havent seriously done much yoga since I got to Sydney. I did 1 class. Her style was different from the ashtanga / vinyasa routine I am used to so it didnt work for

So today when I got started at Paul's I was stiff and inflexible. But once the muscles warmed up I could do the poses I've always been able to do, but nothing I have never managed before. So yes the ones involving a tangling the arms and the legs was OK and the crow is still not.

Did I feel strong? Not particularly, but I dont feel weak either. It was not a difficult class. But I am thinking how I'd probably ache tomorrow.

In the middle of the class Paul accused me of drifting away. I was day dreaming as usual. It doesnt take a yoga class, I'm a habitual day dreamer. I even wish I can drift away more often during a run.

See, yoga, like running, are things I am passionate about. But I dont neccessarily like the acts 100%. It is not easy holding a speed or a pose when you are tired. So in these times, I want to drift away because it takes my mind off the pain.

But no, they always tell you to FOCUS. FEEL how your muslces scream, examine that pain, that strain, analyse it to make your practice better. I saw a quote somewhere "Pain is weakness leaving you". Definitely not a favourite quote. I am not particularly analytical.

With the mirror constantly in front of me, I actually feel a little less trim. My muscles are less defined. And the weighing machine doesnt lie. 51kg. Maybe thanks to a little too much food today.

But you'd have to understand how detrimental that weight is if you're running 15km in 9 hours. I'm slow and 2kg less wont make me any faster, but maybe this is only imaginary, but I always think the extra weight makes the heart work a little harder. And that it takes a shorter time to start getting that horrid burning sensation.

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