Friday, February 6, 2009

Low energy, again

I'm really low on energy these days. I think its because I'm not eating properly. And its like a viscous cycle, I get too tired to cook proper dinner, then i can't really sleep because I'm hungry, then I don't get enough rest. etc etc.

That's what happened yesterday. 7km at the bay Run, during which I lost my foot pod. I went home and basically, pancit.

Today we did 7km to Eastwood for lunch, then 7km back. I feel OK. It wasnt a difficult ride. It was warm but its not as harsh as what we had some weeks back.

I got to cook dinner tonight but I'm really in no mood for cooking these days.

I did quite a bit this week. Tuesday short ride and run and yoga, thursday run, friday ride. saturday ride and sunday run. I'm finding it hard to fit in yoga and swim.

I'm not losing weight. Its not that I want to I'm just wondering why I havent despite the lack of food intake. I have to admit though the sugar level has been a bit generous, especially with the indulgent can of coke.

Hot mah..

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